Interested in a commissioned piece? I’d love to work with you! Here’s how that would go.
Step 2:
Pending approval and discussion of the initial design work, I’ll delve into more detailed design as well as a timeline and budget including materials, finishing options, any specialty fabrication I can’t do in house, my artist fee, and any costs of shipping or installation. This will be based on an agreed upon rate depending on complexity of project.
Step 1:
Reach out using the link below with a some initials thoughts on your desired commission. I’ll schedule a time to chat with you over the phone or zoom to hear more about your project and discuss my capabilities. If we decide to move forward, I’ll ask for a $250 deposit that will go to your final purchase price in exchange for some preliminary renderings and sketches of your piece.
Step 3:
After some design tweaks and further discussion of the piece, this is when you’ll press play and I’ll get working on fabrication! I’ll ask for 50% of the total fabrication budget and get after it. Progress photos will be sent periodically if desired and studio visits are always welcome!
Upon receipt or installation of the piece, you’ll pay the remainder of the fabrication fee.